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Professional Women Making Moves – VeeVeca Lavoira

September 7, 2009

Veca braids 07 09Welcome to Professional Women Making Moves Blog, where we feature professional Black women from all over making moves in their personal and business world.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson is the author of the upcoming book Lessons Learned: Loving Yourself As A Black Woman. The book emphasizes ten life lessons that addresses a Black woman’s most intimate, personal, and professional life.

Tinisha will be interviewing professional women from various backgrounds up to the release date of her book (January 2010) discussing who they are and the challenges they face, their success, and any advice they have to offer. Learn more about this book and the author at her website:

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Today, Tinisha interviews VeeVeca Lavoira, an author and business owner.

TINISHA:   Please introduce yourself, including a bit about your business Verbal Conquest LLC, and tell me who you most credit your success to?

VEEVECA:   Greetings, I am VeeVeca Lavoira, author, owner and operator of Verbal Conquest LLC. Exactly what is this? It is a publishing and writing venue ascribed to facilitate self publishing expressions of writing.
Who I am and whatever I shall become, all credit goes to God for the gift of expression and allowing it to fall gracefully on me. Gifted with this craft is one aspect of the puzzle. Learning to utilize the gift has been a journey.  It has been said, “Anyone can write, but it takes character to become an author.”[Zane] For me honestly, I’ve been like the cartoon train “I think I can…I think I can” to sometimes having self doubt. “Maybe I am not cut out for this.” Then I remember why I write– To share Real Ministry in the lives of Real People with Real Issues.

TINISHA:   What types of challenges do you face as a Professional Black woman?

VEEVECA:   As a professional black woman, the stigma of being passive is affluent and to some degree kindness is still seen as a weakness in women. Trying to grow a business from nothing is hard work where sweat equity is not readily available. 
Unfortunately, I’ve been victim to the “meat here” throws of being new in the writing market. When you are unlearned and still wet behind the ears, it puts you in direct aim for harm and chicanery.
After money losses and learning better, I am becoming solid in my business ventures.
TINISHA:   Tell me more about the ministry you are involved in. VeeVeca you seem really passionate about this. How did that passion begin?

VEEVECA:   Real Ministry is life in the face value of reality. People need God, but sometimes life happens at a pace real people are not ready for. They become derailed in motion. And standing on the side of the road when you got places to go is hard watching other cars muster at top speeds on a road that you should be on. Therefore, Real Ministry is jack to derailed and deflated people. And even the oil for others to keep them lubed and motivated to see God in the midst of all things.
TINISHA:   What does success mean to you?

VEEVECA:   Success for me isn’t fame or fortune. It’s changing one life-one moment-one word at a time. It’s living in divine purpose and creating the nuggets that brings together the purpose of your identity and the beauty of living.
TINISHA:   How do you balance your professional and personal life?

VEEVECA:   I am still learning how to balance both professional and personal life. Sometimes, I take them both into one moment and throw them both up to God to figure. I clearly don’t know it all. But I am smart enough to know that he directs the footsteps of the righteous.
TINISHA:   What advice do you have for today’s young Black girls?

VEEVECA:   One of the things I would say to today’s young Black girls is this ….”I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.” [Song of Solomon 3:5] What does this mean? Simply, Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready. We all want love but love must be understood, acknowledged, perceived fully and reciprocated by a standard not seen on the latest hip hop BET/MTV music video.
TINISHA:   What do you hope to accomplish through writing?
VEEVECA:   It is my mission to individually and collectively reach a person/persons to see Real Life in words through characters of Real People and Real Struggle. And through their various stunts with life, these characters take on Real Personality to affect Real Change as they (we) become Real Warriors in the good bad happy and sad– called life.

Author VeeVeca Lavoira is a woman from the Carolinas. Through writing, she shows spunk and candid flavor coming from the bible belt. Her first novel, Chile Pleaze, was published by Author House in 2007.  However, she pulled the novel to self publish on her own.  It is due to be re-released March 09, as Chyle Pleaze.  She also has three other novels to be released soon.

To her writing career, VeeVeca Lavoira has been a freelance writer for 15 years. She has been a featured attraction for several Spoken Word events in the Carolinas.

VeeVeca Lavoira is a licensed Evangelist.  Motherhood is another jewel in this crown of womanhood. She is an orator throughout the community. Serving as a radio host, VeeVeca’s voice has been heard by the masses.

As the wheels are turning, watch out for the G.R.I.T.S.-girls raised in the south.   They really do stick to your stomach!